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Military Department
Online Courses
Online Courses
Categorie di corso
Military Department
Military Department / Online Courses
Military Department / Sanremo Onsite Courses
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Academic Unit
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Workshops
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Online Courses
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Online Initiatives
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Online Initiatives / 15th Online Refugee Law Coursse
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Online Initiatives / Specialisation Programme on Protection Coordination
Refugee Law and Migration Law Department / Protection at Sea E-learning
Special Activities and Trainings
Special Activities and Trainings / Online courses
Summer Course on IHL
Cerca corsi
Cerca corsi
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Pagina successiva
Introduction to International Humanitarian Law 2025
Targeting Course for Sri Lankan Armed Forces - ENDED
Targeting Course - ENDED
Sri Lankan Armed Forces Operationalising LOAC Course - ENDED
Rules of Engement Course (ROE) - ENDED
RoE Course for Sri Lankan Armed Forces - ENDED
Peace Support Operations - ENDED
Naval Operations and the Law - ENDED
Naval Operations and the Law Course - ENDED
IHRL Training Course - ENDED
ICRC MAG Delegates Online Course - Ended
Detention & CPERS Course - ENDED
Curso de Extensión en Derecho Internacional Humanitario - TERMINADO
Cours Militaire sur le DIH
Catholic University of Lviv - IHL Training - ENDED
59th Course for Directors and Instructors of Training Programmes in IHL - ENDED
45th Advanced Course on International Humanitarian Law - ENDED
3rd Law at the Operational Level Online Course
3rd IHL in Depth Online Course - ENDED
2nd Legal Delivery of Effects Online Course -ENDED
Pagina 1
Pagina 2
Pagina successiva