The Online Course will lay the fundamentals of the available legal framework and the roles and responsibilities of the international community, states, civil society, and the private sector in addressing climate change and environmental-induced displacement, both internal as well as cross-border.
Participants will be provided with key insights into the latest research on the multidimensional linkages between climate vulnerabilities, conflict, insecurity, and displacement. A thorough analysis of the existing legal framework, guiding principles, and recommendations, including the Nansen Initiative’s Agenda for Protection, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement, and the work of the Platform on Disaster Displacement, will be conducted with a view to facilitating their operationalization at the local, national, and regional levels. The training will also focus on key skills and best practices related to disaster prevention and management as well as on the integration of climate risks into legislation, protection operations, and durable solutions for the displaced. The delivery methodology of the Course is highly participatory and throughout its sessions, the Department will strive to give a voice to local actors, indigenous people, and grassroots organizations that are at the forefront of climate action.
Pic Credit © UNHCR/Roger Arnold